A Bluebell Walk

Our Bluebell Walk took place at 2.30pm on Saturday 26th April, two weeks ahead of our original schedule because the bluebells arrived earlier this year!  IMGP6877IMGP6882

The walk was advertised to the parents at Russell Primary School, the school adjoining the woodland, to provide an opportunity for parents and children to meet some of our volunteers, hear a bit about our work in the woodland, and see the beautiful display of bluebells.

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About 16 children, accompanied by around 9 adults, came along for the walk which lasted about an hour and a half. The weather was gorgeous and the children had a great time climbing on logs, splashing through mud and puddles and identifying flowers, leaves and butterflies using the handouts provided.

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Particular thanks should go to Michael who explained the difference between our native bluebell and the Spanish ‘invader’ and also brought along some badger fur to show the children – they were fascinated by the badger sets on the edge of the chalk quarry. Also, thanks to Shamoon and Dorothy who took these photos, Dorothy also brought along her tree and flower identification books to help those very enthusiastic spotters who were determined to tick every item on their handouts!

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